Today, MUM's Tiny House Class took a tour of some of the tiny houses around Fairfield. Square footage of homes viewed ranged from 80 sq. ft. to a 380 sq. ft. tiny house that was expanded to 600 sq. ft.
Our second stop on the Tiny House Tour was at the Freebergs. What a delight and surprise their tiny home was. Once we stepped of the bus we immediately noticed the ornate chicken coop which was decorated as a mini caravan and matched their home. The chickens had an elaborate maze created from chicken wire so they could roam around some of the mulching areas and around the property. It was delightful.
Our second to last stop was at "The Farm" as locals refer to it. There were several tiny houses/structures where some locals and students have created. a small community. On the land we found sheep, a swimming pond, and a mud hut!
The last stop of the day could not qualify as an official "Tiny House" however I would be remiss if I failed to report it's story. Originally this beautiful small home was designed to be a 380 sq. ft. Vastu Tiny House. Mr. Muehlman's original design changed shape and evolved throughout the building process into a 600 sq. ft. home with 380 sq. ft. main floor and a fully finished daylight basement. This small home was completely off grid with the support of it's solar array, and boasted beam and peg construction. It was absolutely beautiful and an awesome treat to end our day with.
All in all, our Tiny House Class had an incredible tour and came back with lots of ideas for the Tiny Homes we each will design for our final course project. I'd like to thank all of the individuals and families that so warmly opened up their homes to our class today. Your hospitality and graciousness is very much appreciated!