Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Wall Panels get Delivered!

We finally had a day where I could get enough volunteers and cool weather to move the wall panels. I have to say that that my fellow students at MUM are AWESOME. (Thank you guys!) We took all four wall panels over in one load via Mark's  flatbed trailer. (Thank you Mark!)

When we arrived at the Tiny House site only four of us were there and we had to unload the panels ourselves. We very quickly learned to utilize the balance point of the panels to our advantage easing them down onto the ground then flipping them over the remainder of the way.

At one point we had a runaway truck and trailer when Mark left the cab and forgot to put the emergency brake on... I've never seen Mark move so quickly :-)

The last panel for the North wall was the heaviest so we just slid it a couple feet off the back then Mark jumped in his truck and floored it. The panel quickly bumped off the back of the trailer and we were done for the day.

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